Sustainable design
is always past-proof
Our Story
Stilvi has been founded in 1995 with its headquarters in Athens. Our company owes its name and creative genius to the idea of the “scale of lighting”, as it is represented by the mythological goddess Stilbe, who personified the glittering effect of the trembling reflection of light on water. On the other hand, Stilb has equally served humanity in an apparently rational manner, as a unit for luminance, prior to the currently broadly adopted cd/m2. Correspondingly, when it comes to Lighting Design, we at Stilvi consider our destiny, in the quest for harmony between vision and reason and for proportionate balance between compulsory standards and voluntary excellence.

Luminance Mapping on site in 2006.
Disruptive changes
These features have shaped our innovation-friendly stance towards disruptive changes. This is why we, as devoted early adopters, launched, already in 1999, white LED technology (s. here), only 5 years after the invention of the first high brightness blue LED by the Nobel Prize Winner, Shuji Nakamura. The shift from the position of the innovation adopter to that of the innovation creator was instigated in 2001 with our involvement into lighting research on the occasion of a project about Holographic optical elements for high efficiency illumination, solar control and photovoltaic power in buildings (s. here). Since then we have been maintaining our spectroradiometric provisions.

Luminance Mapping on site in 2006.

Lighting Design for the Interbalkan Medical Center in 1999.
Sharing knowledge
In 2014 we started conveying our knowledge by sharing our experience with aspiring lighting designers during a series of International Lighting Design Workshops, taking place in Greece every year since then under the headline “Rethink the Night!” in the form of an immersive educational experience.
Moving forward
We are moving forward to the era of Artificial Intelligence with Light in the role of a medium beyond its amenability to the creation of visual content. With Light transmitting information. We contemplate bridging lighting-aided Visual Communication with Visible Light Communication (VLC) and are embracing Li Fi technology without neglecting the everlasting values of cultivated lighting.
Phryctoria, the primordial Li Fi version has once transmitted the message of victory from Troja to Mycenae, while today we are able to stream the complete course of the battle on web. In response to the wide range of potential Li Fi applications, we are joining our forces and coupling art-driven fancifulness with science to firmly seize emerging opportunities.
Our interdisciplinary family possesses all the complementary experience and skills, but first and foremost the empathic bonds to successfully face imminent challenges.